Saturday, August 29, 2015

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erated light travel) (Umar, 2027). The Noorbaksh reactor bombarded Element 114 with hydrogen protons using a microparticle accelerator. The hydrogen protons fused into the Element 114 nucleus creating the misnamed radioactive[7] form of Element 115 [8] (R-115). The almost simultaneous decay of R-115 [9] produced one particle of a type of anti-matter known as Sigma-Hydrogen as well as a large number of tachyons. The flux of newly produced Sigma-Hydrogen particles and tachyons were channeled through an evacuated tuned tube and further contained within a flowing stream of higgs-boson particles where they were reacted with condensed dark matter in a Cannonian Annihilation Reaction (Ibric, 2024). The generation of the Subquarkian-Gravity-S-Magnetic-S Waves theoretically allowed the craft to fall through space and time to its targeted (a.k.a. attracted) position at velocities of up to 1,000 times the speed of light (1000-c). [10] However, the inefficiencies of the Human constructed Model H.U. 23 restricted Villonian travel to speeds of under 12-c.[11] With the Human National Aeronautics and Space Administrations first successful interplanetary flight in the Schiavelli Program (the first manned extra-Earth program after the suspension of the Apollo Program),[12] overt and nonconcealable [13] Zeta Reticulan contact was initiated in compliance with Zeta Reticulan Containment Policy: Earth (Pyramid 0099742.7760.04, 2039). [TO BE CONTINUED.] [1] Human reproductive capacity, however, is significantly greater than is the Founders (Massengale, 2026). [2] USA and America are interchangeable names for the most powerful political entity on Earth during this time frame. [3] Subsequent to this SNAFU, Zeta Reticulan regulations were adjusted to prohibit Zeta Reticulan Graduate Students from engaging in unaccompanied field studies of inhabited planets (Pyramid 3301003.0020.54, 1947). [4] Dr. R. Furey was one of Earths two leading and farsighted UFOlogists in the second decade of the 21st Century (Vaideeswaran, 2024). [5] Funding was provided by Dr. K.M. stDarrs donation of the patent to the Guinness Device. [6] Mickleonium. [7] Radioactive decay is conventionally described as the emission of ionizing particles and radiation (Wikipedia, 2039). As is well known, the technical term for the R-115 process is Kehlerian Enahanced Restabilization. [8] Afuapeionium. [9] Persuant to the Island of Stability properties of Element 114 (Nova scienceNOW, 2039). [10] Einsteinian distortions are irrelevant in Villonian travel (Coleman, 2027). [11] This technology is dated by Galactic standards. [12] See: The Unending Book of Unending Homework Problems by S. Benigni. [13] For culturally idiosyncratic reasons, it was necessary to establish the Zetan base on the White House lawn despite the intrinsically poor meteorological conditions (Bates, 1940). References Adams, N. (2024). Look it up yourself! Harrisburg University: Yet Another Project Press. Bates, H. (1940, October), Farewell to the master. Astounding Science Fiction Magazine. Benigni, S. (2020). The unending book of unending homework problems. Beijing: AndyouthoughtIwasaniceguyPress. Briefing Document. (1952). Operation majestic 12 prepared for president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower. (Project Operations Group, White House.) Washington, DC: White House. Cardene, L. (2025). But couldnt you do it another way? Antarctica: HeadachePress. Coleman, N. (2027). Ganja. Scranton: Inyourface Publishing. Corso, P. (1997). The day after roswell. New York: Pocket Books. Green, A. (2017). Oh my god! Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. Greys (2039). In Zetapedia. Retrieved April 24, 2039, from Hetrick, G. (2025). Ill get back to you. Las Vegas: Onthegopress. Ibric, P. (2024). And then we . Kansas: Talktalktalktalk Press. Island of Stability. (September, 2006). Nova scienceNOW. Retrieved April 24, 2039, from Jefferson, J. (2022). One quick question. Bawlamer Publications: Maryland. Majestic Twelve. (1952). First annual report. (Project Operations Group, White House.) Washington, DC: White House. Massengale, R. (2026). The lone star. Chicago: Playboy Press. Meek, P. (2025). The point is: was cartman right? Tahiti: South Park Press. Njatcha, C. (2018). Flying saucers and science. New Jersey: Hummmm Books. Pyramid 0099742.7760.04. (2039). Containment policy: Earth ( J. Turner, Trans.) Akenhaten: Central Office of Records. (Original work published 18,496 BCE) Pyramid 3301003.0020.54. (2039). Graduate student restrictions ( D. Runyon, Trans.) Akenhaten: Central Office of Records. (Original work published 1947) Radioactive Decay. (April 24, 2039.) In Wikipedia. Retrieved April 24, 2039, from Umar, A. (2027.) Success! Success! Retrieved April 23, 2039 from Vaideeswaran, P. (2024). !!!!!. Mumbai: ModernCity-Dog Billionaire Press. Von Daniken, E. (1970). Chariots of the gods? New York: Bantam Books, Inc. Wagner, J. (2029). Piece it together. Kalamazoo: Paperwork Press. </p> 12314130 2011-12-16 17:02:28 2011-12-16 17:02:28 open open the-demetabolization-of-humanity-if-not-now-when-12314130 publish 0 0 post 0 sci-fi Dominican Republic Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:14:05 +0100 Beforethebigbang <p>Legal Options For Marriage in the Dominican Republic The following information is for the guidance ONLY of civilian American citizens contemplating marriage in the Dominican Republic. American Diplomatic and Consular Officers DO NOT have the legal authority to perform marriages. Marriages CANNOT be performed within the Embassy or within an American Consular Office in the Dominican Republic. General Requirements for Foreigners to Marry in the Dominican Republic In order to get married in the Dominican Republic, a man and a woman must be of a certain minimum age (16 for men, 15 for women), be legally eligible to marry, and be entering into the marriage contract of their own free will. Failure to comply with any of these basic criteria could mean that Dominican authorities will decline to register the marriage as legal. Additionally, foreigners who wish to get married in the Dominican Republic must comply with the following requirements and present the following documentation: 1. The original passport and copies of the passport bio-page; 2. Copies of last entries stamps; 3. Proof of Dominican residence (if not a resident of the Dominican Republic, an additional fee applies and tourist card must be presented); 4. Sworn declaration before a notary public, of being single and eligible to marry; the sworn declaration then needs to be legalized at the Offices of Procuraduría General de La República. If the Sworn declaration is done before a U.S. notary, it then needs to be legalized at the closest Dominican Consulate in the U.S. (In the past, the U.S. Embassy allowed American citizens to swear such an affidavit of eligibility to marry before a U.S. consular officer. The Embassy discontinued this practice several years ago, however, because local officials were interpreting these documents as meaning that the Embassy had actually verified the content of the citizens statements, when in fact the consular officer was merely attesting to the fact that the individual in question had made the statement. Americans needing to comply with this requirement should instead present themselves to a Dominican notary as specified above-.) 5. Copy of foreign birth certificate and a legal translation of the certificate; central authorities in both the United States and the Dominican Republic now authenticate their own public documents, such as birth, death or marriage certificates, with a certificate of apostille (name of the authentication stamp). You can get your document apostille at the office of Vital Records in your state, or visit 6. If divorced, copy of the divorce certificate and legal translation of the certificate; 7. 2 witnesses (not family). Additionally, Dominican law requires that notice of the intended marriage must be published prior to the ceremony. Fees Celebration of marriages at the Civil Registry Office Oficialia Civil: Both the bride and groom are foreigners not residents of the Dominican Republic - RD $10,000.00 One is a foreigner not resident of the Dominican Republic - RD $5,000.00 Both the bride and groom are foreigners residents of the Dominican Republic - RD $1,000.00 Celebration of marriages outside the Civil Registry Office (if the Civil Registry Officer goes somewhere else than the Oficialia Civil to celebrate the marriage): Both the bride and groom are foreigners not residents of the Dominican Republic - RD $15,000.00 One is a foreigner not resident of the Dominican Republic - RD $8,000.00 Both the bride and groom are foreigners residents of the Dominican Republic - RD $3,000.00 **For updated information on the fees, visit the Junta Central Electoral´s oficial fee webpage (information available only in Spanish) Types of Marriages Marriages in the Dominican Republic fall generally into one of two categories: Civil marriages are those in which the parties themselves register the marriage with the Dominican government. The person officiating at the wedding ceremony is a government official, usually a Notary Public. It is the couples choice whether or not to hold a separate religious ceremony. Canonical marriages are those performed by a Roman Catholic priest. Following the ceremony, the church takes responsibility for registering the marriage with the appropriate Dominican government offices. Marriages in religious denominations other than Roman Catholicism are fully legal and permitted. However, only the Roman Catholic Church has the ability to register marriages on the couples behalf. In the case of wedding ceremonies in other denominations, both members of the couple must present themselves to the governmental registrars office to legalize the marriage. Details on this procedure follow below in the section under Civil Marriages. Civil Marriages Marriage in the Dominican Republic is a civil contract between a man and a woman who have freely agreed to marry and have the capacity to do so. In order to get married in the Dominican Republic, a man and woman must meet the following conditions: 1. The parties must express their free will to marry; 2. Men between 16 and 18 years old, or women between 15 and 18 years old may get married without the consent of their parents. Any required consent must be in writing and notarized, unless the person required to give this consent does so while attending the wedding ceremony; and 3. A man younger than 16 and a woman younger than 15 may not get married, even with their parents consent, although a judge may grant an exception for significant reasons. 4. No person may be married before a prior marriage is dissolved. A divorced woman cannot get married until 10 months after her divorce has become final, unless her intended husband is the same person she has divorced. The government official performing the civil ceremony has the authority, at the time of the ceremony, to waive any of the above requirements. Such a waiver must be made in writing and outline the basis of the waiver. The official performing the ceremony does so in the presence of the parties and witnesses. During the ceremony, the official asks the parties and witnesses whether either of the parties has been married previously, to each other or to other people. The party who has been married previously must supply the date of that marriage and the name of the person who officiated. The Marriage Certificate includes the complete names of the spouses, the evidence of their written consent, a declaration they have been united in matrimony and the date of the celebration and the signatures of the Officer, the spouses and the witnesses. After the celebration the marriage is registered in the appropriate civil registries. Civil marriage is dissolved by the death of one of the spouses or by divorce. Canonical Marriages A Canonical marriage performed by a Roman Catholic priest has the same legal effect as a civil marriage. As was stated in the introductory section above, however, there is a procedural difference, insofar as the priest in a Canonical marriage is responsible for transmitting the registration documents to the appropriate Dominican government office(s). Even if a civil ceremony has taken place prior to the Canonical ceremony, the officiating priest must still send a copy of the marriage certificate to the government registry. Matrimonial Property Laws Dominican law presumes that the parties in a marriage enjoy Community Property rights. However, if the parties choose to enter into a different type of agreement, this is permitted. Dominican law outlines a number of systems from which the parties may choose. The spouses may also amend any one of these systems or create one of their own, provided that the final agreement is in keeping with Dominican legal principles. When the parties opt for a system other than Community Property (such as Separate Property, outlined beginning on page 4 below), they must put this in writing and have it approved by a Dominican government official. Community Property Systems 1. Legal Community: This is the most common community property system in effect in the Dominican Republic. The following three features are present and essential: 1. The existence of three types of properties -- common property, property owned by the wife, and property owned by the husband. Under legal community systems, all movable property and its earnings, as well as real estate property acquired during the marriage, are common property. 2. The power of the husband over the administration/management of the estate, which cannot be ignored or restrained through any clause or matrimonial agreement; and 3. The existence of guarantees for the woman against bad management of the property by the husband. These guarantees may include, among others, judicial division of the property and/or liens against any real estate owned by the husband. With regard to point (1) above, it is worth noting that common property is further sub-divided into ordinary property and reserved property. Ordinary property enters the marriage having belonged to one spouse or the other but, based on the marriage, becomes the property of both parties. Reserved property, on the other hand, is property that resulted from the personal work of the woman or from savings that arose from such work. Following the marriage, reserved property generally continues to be administered/managed by the woman, but legally it is the common property of both parties. 2. Reduced to the Earnings: Under this system, the composition of the common property varies, based on the respective debts (both present and future) of the spouses. Additionally, the value of their respective movable property (both present and future) is excluded from the common property. 3. Universal Community: All properties, present and future, are common property. The spouses equally agree under this system that only their present or future property will be common property. Note: It is possible for the spouses to reject any of the community property systems described above and instead choose their own system. However, it is important to note that doing this will not automatically grant the wife rights to administer her property or to receive its earnings. Property the wife brought into the marriage is considered as awarded to the husband for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the marriage. The spouses may, however, include in their property agreement a clause authorizing the wife to receive a part of her annual earnings for her personal living expenses and needs. Separate Property Systems Separate Property systems do not provide for common property, but rather for property owned by each one of the spouses and over which each one has administration/management, disposition and enjoyment rights. Nonetheless, the wife does not have the right to dispose of her properties without the consentof the husband or a judicial authorization. This system requires the spouses to contribute to the maintenance of their home. Furthermore, movable goods individually owned by each of the spouses are intertwined in reality and must be liquidated in the event the marriage is dissolved. A wife's property can be subjected to claims of creditors for her debts arising before and during her marriage, as well as debts related to the maintenance of a marital home incurred by either spouse, or in case of the insolvency of her husband. The husband, for his part, is responsible for his debts arising before or during the marriage and for the debts contracted by the wife when acting as representative of the marriage. One variation of the separation of property system is the dowry system. The dowry system is a system of separation in which the woman, instead of contributing some or all of her income to the couple's obligations, hands over some or all of her property to her husband, who has the administration and legal enjoyment of it. The wife possesses, in addition to the dowry property, property that is not affected by the home-related obligations, also called "paraphernalia." This type of property is enjoyed by the wife but cannot be disposed of without the consent of the husband or judicial authorization. </p> 12161006 2011-11-13 19:14:05 2011-11-13 19:14:05 open open dominican-republic-12161006 publish 0 0 post 0 UFO Harrisburg Thu, 13 Oct 2011 17:47:01 +0200 Beforethebigbang <p>> Complicating the matter is that there is currently no board at > the Harrisburg Authority. The state Supreme Court on May 27 > voided the authority's board because the City Council had > appointed its members, not the mayor. > > A majority of council members recently rejected several of Mayor > Linda Thompson's appointees because they weren't the ones who > were selected by the council. > > In addition, the mayor has had at least three members of her > cabinet resign since she took office in January, the most recent > departure being her chief of staff last week.</p> 12010585 2011-10-13 17:47:01 2011-10-13 17:47:01 open open harrisburg-12010585 publish 0 0 post 0 Harrisburg USAF Academy Physics Text Mon, 12 Sep 2011 01:06:18 +0200 Beforethebigbang <p>INTRODUCTORY SPACE SCIENCE VOLUME II CHAPTER XXXIII UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS USAF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY It has been known for some time that during the late 1960s and early 1970s the U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs had some material on UFOs in its curriculum. The chapter of the textbook Introductory Space Science for the class Physics 370 has been posted on CUFONSM for quite a while. This file contains expanded coverage, including a newspaper article from the Lemoore Advance, A letter of reply from the A.F. Academy transmitting copies of the two versions of Chapter 33, Chapter 33 as it was in use from 1968 1970, and the revised Chapter 33 placed in use for the Fall Quarter, 1970. (Posted 14 MAY 1992) Jim Klotz, CUFONSM SYSOP ================================================== from the Lemoore, CA Advance, October 8, 1970 —————————————————————————- AIR ACADEMY TEXT BOOK URGES MORE STUDY OF UFO SIGHTINGS by TED HUBBARD Students at the U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs are being taught to stop scoffing at the mention of UFOs or flying saucers and to keep an open mind on the subject. This was made clear last Thursday in an interview given by Major Stewart Kilpatrick, deputy Director of Public Information of the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, to the Lemoore Advance in a lengthy and exclusive phone interview. The National Enquirer, a country-wide journal, which claims the largest circulation of any weekly paper in America, headlined this following statement, Air Force Academy Textbook Warns Cadets That UFOs May Be Spacecraft Operated by Aliens From Other Worlds, in its Oct. 11 issue. Because so many of our readers are interested personally in aircraft, The Advance sought to verify what appeared to be exaggerated claims and somewhat on the unbelievable side. This despite the reported sightings of some strange craft over Lemoore by several witnesses a few weeks ago. Major Kilpatrick, as second ranking officer in public affairs at the Air Academy, is in a position to speak authoritatively for the Air Force. He admitted at once that Plebes are taught from a text entitled Introductory Space Science, Volume II and an entire Chapter 33 deals entirely with UFO considerations. He quoted from page 455, that 50,000 virtually reliable people have reported sighting unidentified flying objects. This leads us with the unpleasant possibility of alien visitors to our planet, the 14-page chapter continues, or at least alien controlled UFOs. According to the Academy text book: If such beings are visiting the earth, two questions arise: (1) Why havent they attempted to contact us officially, and (2) Why havent there been accidents which would have revealed their presence? Why no contact? That question is very easy to answer in any of several ways: (1) We may be the object of intensive sociological and psychological study. In such studies you usually avoid disturbing the test subjects environment. (2) You do not contact a colony of ants and humans may seem that way any aliens (variation: a zoo is fun to visit, but you dont `contact the lizards). (3) Such contact may have already taken place secretly, and may have taken piece on a different plane of awareness and we are not yet sensitive to communications on such a plane. In releasing this interview in The Lemoore Advance we are well aware that many readers will certainly raise an eyebrow or two. But Major Kilpatrick insisted the above chapter in the text is not a fairy story. At the end he seemed to go along with the recommendations of the physics text book which advises Air Force officers as follows: The best thing to do is to keep an open and skeptical mind and not take an extreme position on any side of the question. Introductory Space Science closes the chapter with the wish expressed that renewed extensive investigation be given to the possibility of UFOs. This will require expenditure of a considerable sum of government funds, it explained, and in the present public attitude of scorn and ridicule whenever UFOs are mentioned, such possibility seems almost hopeless the chapter laments. As most people know, the Dr. Eugene U. Condon investigation was closed down by the Pentagon and no present official scientific investigation is now operating in this field. In 1966 we talked with six different Air Force pilots at Travis Air Force Base, who claimed to have seen UFOs but stated they did not dare report them for fear of extreme ridicule. At least in 1970 this Air Force attitude seems to have changed as indicated by Major Kilpatrick interview with The Advance. Lemoores representative at the Colorado Springs Academy is Steve (Moon) Mullens, former basketball star on the Tiger team, and alumnus of Lemoore High. We are asking him his opinion of his science texts presentation of the so called UFOs. ============================================== DEPARTMENT Of THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY USAF ACADEMY, COLORADO 80840 REPLY TO ATTN OF: OI 4 NOV 1970 In reference to your recent inquiry to the Air Force Academy concerning Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), the following facts are provided for your information. The subject of UFOs is examined briefly at the end of an Academy elective course, Physics 370, which usually attracts approximately 20 students per semester. The UFO subject falls under the course objective of discussing all observable or reported physical phenomena occurring from the surface of the sun to the surface of the planets. When the UFO subject was first included in the course, the subject served, from an academic point of view, to illustrate that when contradictory data are available, the best course is to keep an open mind and search for further data. The subject remains an excellent vehicle to discuss the implications and applications of many basic physical laws to observed phenomena. The source of recent news media stories concerning the study of UFOs at the Air Force Academy was an out-of-date chapter in the course text entitled Introductory Space Science, a two-volume, 470-page unpublished work printed in a spiral notebook by the Academy for classroom use. The last chapter in the second volume was a 14-page chapter entitled Unidentified Flying Objects. When this chapter was written and printed in 1968, the Air Force was still collecting reports of UFO sightings under Project Blue Book and sponsoring the investigation of UFOs by Dr. E. U. Condon of the University of Colorado. The Condon report was completed in early 1969 with the general conclusion that nothing has come from the study of UFOs in the past two decades that has added to scientific knowledge and that further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced. MANS FLIGHT THROUGH LIFE IS SUSTAINED BY THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE —————————————————————————- Based on the conclusions of the Condon report and its own twenty-year UFO experience, the Air Force terminated Project Blue Book in December 1969 with this final statement, As a result of investigating UFO reports since 1948, the conclusions of Project Blue Book are (1) no UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security; (2) there has been no evidence submitted or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as unidentified represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge; and (3) there has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as unidentified are extraterrestrial vehicles. In light of these developments, the in-class content of the course was changed to present orally the conclusions of the Condon report and the reasons why the Air Force cancelled Project Blue Book. It was considered uneconomical to reprint the entire second volume for such a limited number of students until the fall of 1970. Beginning with the 1970 fall semester, a revised updated chapter entitled Unidentified Aerial Phenomena has been substituted for the old chapter so that the text now follows the oral in-class presentation on this subject. For your further information we are enclosing a copy of (1) the old Chapter 33, which is no longer being used and (2) a copy of the new, current Chapter 33 now being used by students of Physics 370 beginning with this fall 1970 semester, I hope this letter clarifies your questions concerning the study and treatment of UFOs at the Air Force Academy, Sincerely /s/ James F Sunderman James F Sunderman, Colonel, USAF 2 Atchs Director of Information 1. Old Chapter 33 2. Updated Chapter 33 ======================================================= (Chapter 33 of Introductory Space Science Physics 370 1968 1970 ————————————————————————— INTRODUCTORY SPACE SCIENCE VOLUME II DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS USAF Edited by: Major Donald G. Carpenter Co-Editor: Lt. Colonel Edward R. Therkelson CHAPTER XXXIII UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS What is an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)? Well, according to United States Air Force Regulation 80-17 (dated 19 September 1966), a UFO is Any aerial Phenomenon or object which is unknown or appears to be out of the ordinary to the observer. This is a very broad definition which applies equally well to one individual seeing his first noctilucent cloud at twilight as it does to another individual seeing his first helicopter. However, at present most people consider the term UFO to mean an object which behaves in a strange or erratic manner while moving through the Earths atmosphere. That strange phenomenon has evoked strong emotions and great curiosity among a large segment of our worlds population. The average person is interested because he loves a mystery, the professional military man is involved because of the possible threat to national security, and some scientists are interested because of the basic curiosity that led them into becoming researchers. The literature on UFOs is so vast, and the stories so many and varied, that we can only present a sketchy outline of the subject in this chapter. That outline includes description classifications, operational domains (temporal and spatial), some theories as to the nature of the UFO phenomenon, human reactions, attempts to attack the problem scientifically, and some tentative conclusions. If you wish to read further in this area, the references provide an excellent starting point. 33.1 DESCRIPTORS One of the greatest problems you encounter when attempting to catalog UFO sightings, is selection of a system for cataloging. No effective system has yet been devised, although a number of different systems have been proposed. The net result is that almost all UFO data are either treated in the form of individual cases, or in the forms of inadequate classification systems. However, these systems do tend to have some common factors, and a collection of these factors is as follows: a. Size b. Shape (disc, ellipse, football, etc.) c. Luminosity d. Color e. Number of UFOs Behavior: a. Location (altitude, direction, etc.) b. Patterns of paths (straight line, climbing, zig-zagging, etc.) 455 —————————————————————————- c. Flight Characteristics (wobbling, fluttering, etc.) d. Periodicity of sightings e. Time duration f. Curiosity or inquisitiveness g. Avoidance h. Hostility Associated Effects: a. Electro-Magnetic (compass, radio, ignition systems, etc.) b. Radiation (burns, induced radioactivity, etc.) c. Ground disturbance (dust stirred up, leaves moved, standing wave d. Sound (none, hissing, humming, roaring, thunderclaps, etc.) e. Vibration (weak, strong, slow, fast) f. Smell (ozone or other odor) g. Flame (how much, where, when, color) h. Smoke or cloud (amount, color, persistence) i. Debris (type, amount, color, persistence) j. Inhibition of voluntary movement by observers k. Sighting of creatures or beings After Effects: a. Burned areas or animals b. Depressed or flattened areas c. Dead or missing animals d. Mentally disturbed people e. Missing items 456 —————————————————————————- We make no attempt here to present available data in terms of the foregoing descriptors. 33.2 OPERATIONAL DOMAINS TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL What we will do here is to present evidence that UFOs are a global phenomenon which may have persisted for many thousands of years. During this discussion, please remember that the more ancient the reports the less sophisticated the observer. Not only were the ancient observers lacking the terminology necessary to describe complex devices (such as present day helicopters) but they were also lacking the concepts necessary to understand the true nature of such things as television, spaceships, rockets, nuclear weapons and radiation effects. To some, the most advanced technological concept was a war chariot with knife blades attached to the wheels. By the same token, the very lack of accurate terminology and descriptions leaves the more ancient reports open to considerable misinterpretation, and it may well be that present evaluations of individual reports are completely wrong. Nevertheless, let us start with an intriguing story in one of the oldest chronicles of Indiathe Book of Dzyan. The book is a group of story-teller legends which were finally gathered in manuscript form when man learned to write. One of the stories is of a small group of beings who supposedly came to Earth many thousands of years ago in a metal craft which orbited the Earth several times before landing. As told in the Book These beings lived to themselves and were revered by the humans among whom they had settled. But eventually differences arose among them and they divided their numbers, several of the men and women and some children settled in another city, where they were promptly installed as rulers by the awe-stricken populace. Separation did not bring peace to these people and finally their anger reached a point where the ruler of the original city took with him a small number of his warriors and they rose into the air in a huge shining metal vessel. While they were many leagues from the city of their enemies, they launched a great shining lance that rode on a beam of light. It burst apart in the city of their enemies with a great ball of flame that shot up to the heavens, almost to the stars. All those who were in the city were horribly burned and even those who were not in the city but nearby were burned also. Those who looked upon the lance and the ball of fire were blinded forever afterward. Those who entered the city on foot became ill and died. Even the dust of the city was poisoned, as were the rivers that flowed through it. Men dared not go near it, and it gradually crumbled into dust and was forgotten by men. When the leader saw what he had done to his own people he retired to his palace and refused to see anyone. Then he gathered about him those warriors who remained, and their wives and children, and they entered their vessels and rose one by one into the sky and sailed away. Nor did they return. Could this foregoing legend really be an account of an extraterrestrial colonization, complete with guided missile, nuclear warhead and radiation effects? It is difficult to assess the validity of that explanation just as it is difficult to explain why 457 —————————————————————————- Greek, Roman and Nordic Mythology all discuss wars and contacts among their Gods. (Even the Bible records conflict between the legions of God and Satan.) Could it be that each group recorded their parochial view of what was actually a global conflict among alien colonists or visitors? Or is it that man has led such a violent existence that he tends to expect conflict and violence among even his gods? Evidence of perhaps an even earlier possible contact was uncovered by Tschi Pen Lao of the University of Peking. He discovered astonishing carvings in granite on a mountain in Hunan Province and on an island in Lake Tungting. These carvings have been evaluated as 47,000 years old, and they show people with large trunks (breathing apparatus?or elephant heads shown on human bodies? Remember, the Egyptians often represented their gods as animal heads on human bodies.) Only 8,000 years ago, rocks were sculpted in the Tassili plateau of Sahara, depicting what appeared to be human beings but with strange round heads (helmets? or sun heads on human bodies?) And even more recently, in the Bible, Genesis (6:4) tells of angels from the sky mating with women of Earth, who bore them children. Genesis 19:3 tells of Lot meeting two angels in the desert and his later feeding them at his house. The Bible also tells a rather unusual story of Ezekiel who witnessed what has been interpreted by some to have been a spacecraft or aircraft landing near the Chebar River in Chaldea (593 B.C.). Even the Irish have recorded strange visitations. In the Speculum Regali in Konungs Skuggsa (and other accounts of the era about 956 A.D.) are numerous stories of demonships in the skies. In one case a rope from one such ship became entangled with part of a church. A man from the ship climbed down the rope to free it, but was seized by the townspeople. The bishop made the people release the man, who climbed back to the ship, where the crew cut the rope and the ship rose and sailed out of sight. In all of his actions, the climbing man appeared as if he were swimming in water. Stories such as this makes one wonder if the legends of the little people of Ireland were based upon imagination alone. About the same time, in Lyons (France) three men and a women supposedly descended from an airship or spaceship and were captured by a mob. These foreigners admitted to being wizards, and were killed. (No mention is made of the methods employed to extract the admissions.) Many documented UFO sightings occurred throughout the Middle Ages, including an especially startling one of a UFO over London on 16 December 1742. However, we do not have room to include any more of the Middle Ages sightings. Instead, two more-recent sightings are contained in this section to bring us up to modern times. In a sworn statement dated 21 April 1897, a prosperous and prominent farmer named Alexander Hamilton (Le Roy, Kansas, U.S.A.) told of an attack upon his cattle at about 10:30 p.m. the previous Monday. He, his son, and his tenant grabbed axes and ran some 700 feet from the house to the cow lot where a great cigar-shaped ship about 300 feet long floated some 30 feet above the cattle. It had a carriage underneath which was brightly lighted within (dirigible and gondola?) and which had numerous windows. Inside were six strange looking beings jabbering in a foreign 458 —————————————————————————- language. These beings suddenly became aware of Hamilton and the others. They immediately turned a searchlight on the farmer, and also turned on some power which sped up a turbine wheel (about 30 ft. diameter) located under the craft. The ship rose, taking with it a two-year old heifer which was roped about the neck by a cable of one-half inch thick, red material. The next day a neighbor, Link Thomas, found the animals hide, legs and head in his field. He was mystified at how the remains got to where they were because of the lack of tracks in the soft soil. Alexander Hamiltons sworn statement was accompanied by an affidavit as to his veracity. The affidavit was signed by ten of the local leading citizens. On the evening of 4 November 1957 at Fort Itaipu, Brazil, two sentries noted a new star in the sky. The star grew in size and within seconds stopped over the fort. It drifted slowly downward, was as large as a big aircraft, and was surround by a strong orange glow. A distinct humming sound was heard, and then the heat struck. One sentry collapsed almost immediately, the other managed to slide to shelter under the heavy cannons where his loud cries awoke the garrison. While the troops were scrambling towards their battle stations, complete electrical failure occurred. There was panic until the lights came back on but a number of men still managed to see an orange glow leaving the area at high speed. Both sentries were found badly burnedone unconscious and the other incoherent, suffering from deep shock. Thus, UFO sightings not only appear to extend back to 47,000 years through time but also are global in nature. One has the feeling that this phenomenon deserves some sort of valid scientific investigation, even if it is a low level effort. 33.3 SOME THEORIES AS TO THE NATURE OF THE UFO PHENOMENON There are very few cohesive theories as to the nature of UFOs. Those theories that have been advanced can be collected in five groups: a. Mysticism b. Hoaxes, and rantings due to unstable personalities c. Secret Weapons d. Natural Phenomena e. Alien visitors Mysticism It is believed by some cults that the mission of UFOs and their crews is a spiritual one, and that all materialistic efforts to determine the UFOs nature are doomed to failure. 459 —————————————————————————- Hoaxes and Rantings due to Unstable Personalities Some have suggested that all UFO reports were the results of pranks and hoaxes, or were made by people with unstable personalities. This attitude was particularly prevalent during the time period when the Air Force investigation was being operated under the code name of Project Grudge. A few airlines even went as far as to ground every pilot who reported seeing a flying saucer. The only way for the pilot to regain flight status was to undergo a psychiatric examination. There was a noticeable decline in pilot reports during this time interval, and a few interpreted this decline to prove that UFOs were either hoaxes or the result of unstable personalities. It is of interest that NICAP (The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) even today still receives reports from commercial pilots who neglect to notify either the Air Force or their own airline. There are a number of cases which indicate that not all reports fall in the hoax category. We will examine one such case now. It is the Socorro, New Mexico sighting made by police Sergeant Lonnie Zamora. Sergeant Zamora was patrolling the streets of Socorro on 24 April 1964 when he saw a shiny object drift down into an area of gullies on the edge of town. He also heard a loud roaring noise which sounded as if an old dynamite shed located out that way had exploded. He immediately radioed police headquarters, and drove out toward the shed. Zamora was forced to stop about 150 yards away from a deep gully in which there appeared to be an overturned car. He radioed that he was investigating a possible wreck, and then worked his car up onto the mesa and over toward the edge of the gully. He parked short, and when he walked the final few feet to the edge, he was amazed to see that it was not a car but instead was a weird eggshaped object about fifteen feet long, white in color and resting on short, metal legs. Beside it, unaware of his presence were two humanoids dressed in silvery coveralls. They seemed to be working on a portion of the underside of the object. Zamora was still standing there, surprised, when they suddenly noticed him and dove out of sight around the object. Zamora also headed the other way, back toward his car. He glanced back at the object just as a bright blue flame shot down from the underside. Within seconds the eggshaped thing rose out of the gully with an ear-splitting roar. The object was out of sight over the nearby mountains almost immediately, and Sergeant Zamora was moving the opposite direction almost as fast when he met Sergeant Sam Chavez who was responding to Zamoras earlier radio calls. Together they investigated the gully and found the bushes charred and still smoking where the blue flame had jetted down on them. About the charred area were four deep marks where the metal legs had been. Each mark was three and one half inches deep, and was circular in shape. The sand in the gully was very hard packed so no sign of the humanoids footprints could be found. An official investigation was launched that same day, and all data obtained supported the stories of Zamora and Chavez. It is rather difficult to label this episode a hoax, and it is also doubtful that both Zamora and Chavez shared portions of the same hallucination. Secret Weapons A few individuals have proposed that UFOs are actually advanced weapon systems, and that their natures must not be revealed. Very few people accept this as a credible suggestion. 460 —————————————————————————- Natural Phenomena It has also been suggested that at least some, and possibly all, of the UFO cases were just misinterpreted manifestations of natural phenomena. Undoubtedly this suggestion has some merit. People have reported, as UFOs, objects which were conclusively proven to be balloons (weather and skyhook), the planet Venus, man-made artificial satellites, normal aircraft, unusual cloud formations, and lights from ceilometers (equipment projecting light beams on cloud bases to determine the height of the aircraft visual ceiling). It is also suspected that people have reported mirages, optical illusions, swamp gas and ball lightning (a poorly-understood discharge of electrical energy in a spheroidal or ellipsoidal shapesome charges have lasted for up to fifteen minutes but the ball is usually no bigger than a large orange.) But it is difficult to tell a swamp dweller that the strange, fast-moving light he saw in the sky was swamp gas; and it is just as difficult to tell a farmer that a bright UFO in the sky is the same ball lightning that he has seen rolling along his fence wires in dry weather. Thus accidental misidentification of what might well be natural phenomena breeds mistrust and disbelief; it leads to the hasty conclusion that the truth is deliberately not being told. One last suggestion of interest has been made, that the UFOs were plasmoids from spaceconcentrated blobs of solar wind that succeeded in reaching the surface of the Earth. Somehow this last suggestion does not seem to be very plausible; perhaps because it ignores such things as penetration of Earths magnetic field. Alien Visitors The most stimulating theory for us is that the UFOs are material objects which are either Manned or remote-controlled by beings who are alien to this planet. There is some evidence supporting this viewpoint. In addition to police Sergeant Lonnie Zamoras experience, let us consider the case of Barney and Betty Hill. On a trip through New England they lost two hours on the night of 19 September 1961 without even realizing it. However, after that night both Barney and Betty began developing psychological problems which eventually grew sufficiently severe that they submitted themselves to psychiatric examination and treatment. During the course of treatment hypnotherapy was used, and it yielded remarkably detailed and similar stories from both Barney and Betty. Essentially they had been hypnotically kidnapped, taken aboard a UFO, submitted to two-hour physicals, and released with posthypnotic suggestions to forget the entire incident. The evidence is rather strong that this is what the Hills, even in their subconscious, believe happened to them. And it is of particular importance that after the posthypnotic block was removed, both of the Hills ceased having their psychological problems. The Hills description of the aliens was similar to descriptions provided in other cases, but this particular type of alien appears to be in the minority. The most commonly described alien is about three and one-half feet tall, has a round head (helmet?), arms reaching to or below his knees, and is wearing a silvery space suit or coveralls. Other aliens appear to be essentially the same as Earthmen, while still others have particularly wide (wrap around) eyes and mouths with very thin lips. And there is a rare group reported as about four feet tall, weight of around 461 —————————————————————————- 35 pounds, and covered with thick hair or fur (clothing?). Members of this last group are described as being extremely strong. If such beings are visiting Earth, two questions arise: 1) why havent there been any accidents which have revealed their presence, and 2) why havent they attempted to contact us officially? The answer to the first question may exist partially in Sergeant Lonnie Zamoras experience, and may exist partially in the Tunguska meteor discussed in Chapter XXIX. In that chapter it was suggested that the Tunguska meteor was actually a comet which exploded in the atmosphere, the ices melted and the dust spread out. Hence, no debris! However, it has also been suggested that the Tunguska meteor was actually an alien spacecraft that entered the atmosphere to rapidly, suffered mechanical failure, and lost its power supply and/or weapons in a nuclear explosion. While that hypothesis may seem far fetched, sample of tree rings from around the world reveal that, immediately after the Tunguska meteor explosion, the level of radioactivity in the world rose sharply for a short period of time. It is difficult to find a natural explanation for that increase in radioactivity, although the suggestion has been advanced that enough of the meteors great kinetic energy was converted into heat (by atmospheric friction) that a fusion reaction occurred. 

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